The  Business Collective

for Solopreneurs

peer support | accountability | connections

A space for Asian female solopreneurs to thrive

This business community is a dedicated space for accountability, mastermind-like discussions, and friendship.


Once a month, we’ll be discussing certain themes focused on our business and discuss with our peers. Instead of someone lecturing, you’ll be listening from everyone’s personal experiences on that topic and sharing your own insights.


Every month, we’ll publicly share our goals with each other, meet through remote working sessions, and hold each other accountable as we work through our goals.


As a collective member, you’ll get first exclusive perks to be featured on our media channels, podcast, and website. For partner perks and opportunities, we will also be sharing with our community.

Don’t build alone.

Building a business as a solopreneur is not only lonely, but mentally challenging when you navigate this path yourself.

In this community, you won’t be alone. You’ll be surrounded by other women who are also building businesses and looking for meaningful connection. There’s cumulative power in having a group of like-minded individuals who motivate each other—there’s power in that.

🤝 be part of a community network that’s invested and shows up

🆙 surround yourself with like-minded peers who are upleveling themselves

🧠 tap into accumulative minds and experiences in facilitated groups

join intimate discussions that empower you to reach your goals

🩵 at the moment, there’s no other community like this out there

Asked Questions

  • You’ll meet other solopreneurs who I’ve personally vetted and know. They may be fitness instructors, life coaches, media founders, creators, and more. These are peers who will show up and are eager to learn while sharing their own personal insights in growing their business. Because our initial community is already quite diverse and international, we may see a broad range of backgrounds and voices from the Asian diaspora.

  • After building the Asian Wander Women Travel Community, I realize how many solopreneurs connected over going through similar journeys: navigating cultural and family pressures while building a business out of passion. I know this all too well, and wanted to create a space for Asian women to not only talk business, but to connect on a deeper level and make lifelong business friends.

  • This private membership is for those who want a more hands-on, facilitated approach to participating and upleveling with a business group. We don’t even bat an eye when it comes to buying certain material goods or booking trips. This would be an investment in your own community and business. We’ve received feedback that this is what many want, so we’ve built a subscription model for this initiative in a healthy, sustainable way. To compare, other business clubs like The Authentic Asian or Uncommon can charge up to $500-$1000 USD per year.

  • You’ll need a computer, stable wifi, and an openness to learn. We’ll be sharing our struggles, our wins, and our goals in this tight knit community. Most facilitations will be hosted online, with some ad hoc in-person events in certain cities. Members of this group are also encouraged to meet up and connect with each other as well.

  • I want to help 100,000 solopreneurs take off in their business! Big lofty goal, right? But what’s the point of dreaming if you don’t dream big? I believe you can monetize any niche skillset or talent and make it into a business. When more Asian women create successful businesses, we all win.

  • Let’s chat! You can email Emily at

  • We will record the sessions for everyone so you’ll have access.

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